Sorry I’ve been out of pocket lately. It couldn’t be helped. Both my kiddos start school next week, and we were busy soaking up that last little bit of summer. And yes, that’s OIL on our beach. I’m so sad. We chose to love it from afar this visit. They (massive tractors and cleaning crews) were coming through each night while we slept plowing up the dirty sand, but it didn’t help enough for me to let my precious littles play down there. A local water park came to the rescue.
To be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t have gone had I realized the oil was making landfall. I have MANY friends who said there was NO oil down there. I guess they expected to see oil slicks rolling in… It wasn’t like that because of the TOXIC dispersants BP used. And if you didn’t have a view like we did, you couldn’t even SEE the oil. I was shocked at the number of people frolicking in the gulf despite the MANY posted warnings. I just wish this had gotten the media attention it deserved. If I had known, I wouldn’t have gone. And hence, the lack of media coverage. Homage paid to the almighty dollar. So sad. God, help us. We know not what we do…
You'll be just fine. The ocean is a big ol' place. This spill will be healed quickly (geologically speaking).
So sad. Thanks for speaking out, Melissa. God bless!
Humans are ruining this earth, with, as you say, their quest for money.
Your pickles look delicious.
Maybelline, I pray you are right.
Rhetta, I just hope that we are able to restore what has been lost. I'm not sure that's it's possible, unless the Lord intervenes.
Ann, I COMPLETELY agree with you. And the pickels are good! : )
What hit me was, SCHOOL NEXT WEEK???????? Holy Cow, what ever happened to after labor day?! I know I'm past the century mark and I just cant' get over how we steal our kids lives....for what? More days off for teachers days? Ooppsss there goes my oily leak! I'm sorry your vaca was a wash out. But I hope you were able to relax and enjoy your family. That's what's important. I could use another vaca about now!!
Wow...that is so very sad. When will we wake up to what we are doing to this marvelous planet??? Kim
Good Morning Melissa! Aww I'm so sorry to read about your vacation to the ocean was hurt by the oil on the beaches. I would have felt the same as you...disappointed that the media didn't make this fact known before we drove all that way there. Thank heavens for the water park though. We are leaving this Friday for British Columbia to see my children and grandchildren...I can't wait! I haven't seen them in 2 years so I'm very excited. Neither my husband nor I like to fly but we'd rather spend 6 days with the family than on the road so like it or not...we'll be in the air in two days. Fresh mountain air, cooler temperatures (I hope)and crystal clear waters here we come! Have a wonderful day...Maura :)
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