Friday, January 28, 2011

Tea party time


I stumbled upon this little tea party Sara Lynn had set up for her babies. My heart melts.

To see my sweet babe caring for her babes... doing what mamas do. My cup runs over.

It swims around in my head from time to time… this desire to be a good mother. A good example to follow.

My hope is to give the best parts of myself to my family. And to hold back those things that are less fruitful.

It keeps me on my knees… not a bad place to find oneself.

Blessings to you as you journey through your days. Let’s make the most of them.


The Mac's House said...

I love the picture of the tea party, definitely sweet!

Mary Frances S. said...

This is so precious! Someone gave Anna Lynn a tea set already, and I can't wait for sweet days of tea party fun! Although, right now I just keep thinking that I want her to stay this little for a long time!

Ann said...

What a lovely picture! I'm glad Sara Lynn is enjoying playing like this.

Melissa Price said...

Teri, it just melts my heart!

Mary Frances, enjoy all those tiny baby days... they pass MUCH too quickly. You have lots of girlie fun to look forward to as she grows. : )

Ann, me too! She was given this tea set by a dear friend for Christmas. Hardly a day has passed that she hasn't played with it.